Donald John Trump's Chronology

Born June 14, 1946

1959:   Goes to Military Academy

1966:  Goes to Wharton School of Business;  Starts buying properties in Philadelphia

1970: Took over Trump Organization

1977:  April marries first wife  Ivanka; Donald Trump jr Born Dec 1977

1981:  Daughter Ivanka Marie born

1984: Son Frederic born

1990:  Separates from Ivanka

1992:  Divorces Ivanka

1993:  Oct daughter Tiffany from Marla  born;  Dec, Marries 2nd wife  Marla Marple

1999:  Divorces Marla

2004: TV show the Apprentice produced and starred

2005: Maries Melenia Knauss

2006:  Son Baron Born

2015: Entered into politics

2016:  Runs for President

2017: Begins his 1st Term of President

2020: Runs for 2nd Term of Presidency
